TMS for Depression:
TMS is covered under Medicare for treatment-resistant depression only. That means that patients who have tried at least two types of antidepressants (each from a separate class) will receive their TMS treatment sessions with no out-of-pocket cost. Generally, the only out-of-pocket costs are any GP consultations with Dr David Tadj. Consultation fees are as follows.
Appointment Type
Consult Payment
Less Your Medicare Rebate
Your Final Out of pocket Cost
Regular Patient
Standard Long
$102.00 $157.15
$41.40 $80.10
Concession Card
Standard Long
$41.40 $80.10
$44.50 $51.70
PLEASE NOTE: Full payment of your consult is required. You must have a current Medicare card. For concession rate, please supply a Health Care Card and/or Aged Pension Card.
TMS for other conditions:
TMS for conditions other than treatment-resistant depression is not covered under medicare and will incur a private fee. Costs vary from patient to patient and condition to condition. You will be provided with a quote at your initial consultation.